Page name: Male Quarters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-08-03 21:21:27
Last author: GlassCasket
Owner: Yudan333
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Male Quarters


Welcome to the male quarters. This is the normal lounge area for the males to interact with each other and hang out. Boy parties for sure. Think of all the fun you can all have! You can do anything you wish and girls are ONLY allowed if invited but this is mostly a MEN ONLY ZONE! So feel free to bring in a pool table or pong table, maybe even a hockey table, basket ball hoop; you name it. So man it up boys.

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Castle Male Residents  [List the wiki's below here]

Saku's Castle Room
Strider's Castle Room
Crush's Castle Room
Rick's Castle Room
Dir En Grey's Castle Room
Kern's Castle Room
Phantom's Castle Room
Kailoto's Castle Room
Kenneth's Castle Room
Cliff's Castle Room

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2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: He lay his head on Crush's shoulder, looking to the man's lips when he felt a slight reverbaration in his chest. The boy stopped sucking his thumb and wrote his name slowly in the air, as if there were paper there... His 'n's and the 'k' were backwards, but it was easy enough to translate into 'Kenneth'. He looked at Crush to make sure the make got it, then gave him another gentle pat, this time on his cheek. The motion said it all without words, 'Its ok, I'm here now'. The child then rested his head once more, looking at the notebook, or what he could see of it.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Crush watched the child as he waved his finger in the air and he nods lightly, "Kenneth." He looked to the child watching hard as if reading him though those odd eyes of his. He was usually able to read others of course by their eyes and actions. The child had made it more easy on him. He shuddered feeling the soft pat of his hand on his cheek and sighed softly rocking the child, "Perhaps.. you are here but at times I don't want too..." He saw the eyes of the babe look to the notebook which was closed, "A diary. It's habit. I had it since I was a boy and it has kept me somewhat sane this long."

2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth nodded a little once he was done talking. He adjusted a little and leaned over to the diary. But he didn't take it up in his hand, didn't even touch it. Kenneth didn't really need to, he could tell some of what was in there because it'd been in Crush's mind when he first came out. When the boy was tired, everyone's thoughts just flooded him, well, so long as they were in the same room.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Crush watched the boy reach for the book. He knew it would do not too much harm so he brought it over and let him hold it. He looked down to the diary which felt more like a binding curse. He couldn't stop writing in it. His wife Kat loved diary's and journals. She wrote everything in it everyday; even the list of items she got in the grocery. Crush felt obligated to follow out seeing as she no longer did. He hardly ever wrote in his own till he met her, "Many sad things happened in this book... very little good things. But at least I know the next time I can write about you and make it just a wee less more sad." No smile no change in his bland facial expression just calm and tired voice.

2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth looked up at him, nodded a little as he held the diary. Then he shook his head a little, patting it before looking at him, patting his chest and nodding.He used his fingers to indicate tears and then patted his chest again. The sad things didn't happen to the book, they'd happened to Crush himself.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Crush watched and nodded lightly, "Yes. to me." He sighed softly, "Yet the pain doesn't go away even when you write of it. It just puts it away. Locks it until I open it and read it again to remember the life I wish I didn't have." He sighed heavily as he gripped his chest at a sharp pain inside him as he was not able to sheed his tears but the pain did come.

2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth frowned a little and put his arms around Crush's neck and hugged him, nuzzling into his shoulder a little.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Crush shuddered when he was hugged by the boy. He hadn't had many embrace him and feeling it he wasn't sure what to do. He sighed softly and hugged the child back rubbing his back as if to comfort the child when in truth he was the one needing comfort. But oddly enough somehow by aiding the child he was slowly forgetting his own ordeals.

2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth just kept holding him, or rather being held by Crush. He hid a yawn and curled closer into the man. It wasn't often that Kenneth went to someone to be held, only when he thought he could help them.

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: Crush rubbed the boys back gently and closed his eyes feeling tired suddenly. He continued rubbing the child but in the chair he was relaxed back in it and nodding off lightly. He breathed softly as his hands rubbed the childs back as he began to dream.

2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth waited until the man had nodded off before he closed his eyes and allowed himself some shut eye.

2011-08-03 [Sicarius]: ((My apologies for intruding, but this whole thing made me go 'Awwww!'))

2011-08-03 [Yudan333]: [If you would like sica you can join in! ^^ bring in a male character? just offering. everyone is welcome to join here ^^]
Crush felt his dream take him to a place he hadn't even hoped to see. His wife giving birth and having two boys. One child was small and rather scrawny but his face was hidden by the bonnet. Crush took the boy from his wife with a soft smile as he removed the bonnet to see the young boy with striking green eyes with starburts of grey. Suddenly Crush woke with a start. His heart facing and breath unsteady. He rubs his head as he still had the sleeping boy in his arms. He sighed softly and looked to the child and clenched his teeth as tears formed in his brown eyes and streaked down his face.

2011-08-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth shifted a little when Crush awoke. He yawned in his sleep and his hand formed a little fist, clutching onto the man's shirt, his other hand moving to create a pillow with his arm.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Crush couldn't hold back the tears which streaked his face and began to fall on his shirt. He pulled his head back so as not to wake the child by the bombs of liquid. He calmed his emotions and blocked them all back once again; pushing the pain back into a box in his heart to lock it and open it long from now. He wiped his tears and his light brown eyes watched the child sleep and he put the recliner out and laid back and now supported him better lightly rocking him.

2011-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth slept still, trying to curl up into him closer as his dreams shifted from something peaceful to monsters attacking him and everyone there.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Crush watched the child sleep but seeing the boy wince as though from a terrible nightmare he lightly paniced himself. He was at a loss when it came to children and he surely was no father figure. He didn't want to wake the child in fear it may stun him but to let him proceed in a nightmare would only worsen his waking. Crush began to look around as though to find a solution. The only thing near him was his diary of sorry. He bit his lip knowing reading it would surely make it an even worse nightmare. He felt his heart begin to race once more and he looked to the child then finally began to speak. More so to himself but all the same he had a soft voice in which his wife referred to as 'calm and collect'. He hoped she was with him and right. "Diary, 2030 late night. I was writing not long ago of how miserable I was.. how tired of life and living was. How I felt I had no purpose to live without my wife which died years ago. The woman who I had put all my hope into along with two children unborn. But today change when I put my notebook down. A child walked into my life. I didn't know it then but I realized in some way that he was my son." He smiled sadly softly speaking, "That Kennith was my son coming to me after a bad day of playing in the park and had come to me to seek refuge. And now I see that I am glad to take him into my arms and help him; to raise him as I would my wifes children. I see now Kat... you kept me here this long to make me find help but also offer it..."

2011-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth could feel the reverbaration of Crush's voice near his ear. He shifted his head a little until his little ear was pressed against Crush's neck..It was as close as he would ever get to hearing with his ears. The boy sighed a little and relaxed again. Whatever had been haunting his dreams now gone.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Crush held the child close in his arms and closed his eyes tightly, "I swear I will protect you. I will not let harm find you. I refuse to loose you again. I would suffer eternity to live and see you live and grow. I refuse to believe in fate.. I shall make my own path and destiny. I will raise you as if you were my own son Kennith. And I will NOT fail you."

2011-08-04 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Kenneth slept peacefully in his arms, his thumb naturally finding his mouth as he absentmindedly sucked on it. He'd never fallen asleep in someone's arms before, not even as a little baby.

2011-08-04 [Yudan333]: Crush allowed the young boy to sleep in his arms; he hadn't ever thought of holding a child other than his own blood but now doing so it was as if he felt bound to this child which rest so innocently in his arms. He had a feeling danger awaited them but Crush was willing to face anything for his new friend, and child; Kenneth.

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